Middlesex Community College, Middletown, CT
Presiding Officer Jennifer C began the meeting at 7:00 with club business. Our guests from the last meeting at Portland library enjoyed their visit. District 53 conference is happening on Sat 11/16, and district leader training will happen 12/7
Presiding Officer Jennifer C began the meeting at 7:00 with club business. Our guests from the last meeting at Portland library enjoyed their visit. District 53 conference is happening on Sat 11/16, and district leader training will happen 12/7
Meeting attendees (9): John Bell, Ann-Marie Cannata, Jennifer Cimilluca, Jonathan
Herron, Maria Johnson, Michael O’Brien, Rob Schaff, Judy Thompson, There was one guest, Dave Pelland from Park City TM club.
Invocator- Jennifer C
Toastmaster- Jennifer C
Word of the Day- XX
Humorist-John B (A duck in a bar asking for grapes)
General Evaluator- Judy T
Timer-John B
Ah-Counter- Jen C
Grammarian- Maria J
Table Topics- Ann-Marie C, Ann-Marie challenged us to think about what we are grateful for, and what gives us JOY. She offered starter ideas with slips from an envelope ranging from best birthday, vacation, pet, what you were doing when you were 8….. We voted for “best” TT, Judy T was chosen
Dave Pelland Preparation for the Humorous Contest at the district conference, Title: “The Laundry Secret”
Dave weaved a tale of conspiracy, reporting how “stagnating sock sales” prompted sock producers to come up with a way to quietly and secretly remove a sock or two from the clothes dryer. The club evaluated Dave’s speech, round robin.
Rob Schaff CC Manual speech #1, Ice Breaker, Title: “Fifty Three Weeks”
Rob re-introduced himself to the club after a 53 week absence by telling us what he has so busy with. Work, family and friends, can consume all of us. Life is settling down and Rob hopes to join us at TM more often this year. Jonathan H evaluated Rob’s speech.
Ann-Marie Cannata Specialty Manual speech #2, Title: “Uplift the Spirit”
Ann-Marie continued her theme of gratefulness and joy with an inspiring story of her daughter’s child bearing experience. We felt like we were in the delivery room! Ann-Marie reminded us why it is important to feel the depth of joy. Michael O evaluated Ann-Marie’s speech.
Jen ended the meeting with words of inspiration. Julia Cameron, “The Artist Way”, discover your creativity, Never ask if you can do something, say instead, do it.
The meeting started on time and ended at 8:45