Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Division C Contest Results

Table Topics Contest:

1st - Fred Pugh
2nd - Richard Frantz Jr.
3rd - Armelde Pitre

Humorous Speech Contest:

1st - Anokha Ratnayake
2nd - Linda Raitt
3rd - Catherine Bocciarelli

The winners of both contest were terrific. They will be excellent representatives for Division C at the upcoming District Conference on November 19.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Meeting Notes, October 13

The Middlesex County Toastmasters met on Thursday, October 13th, at Middlesex Community College with first-time Toastmaster Emily O’Brien ably guiding 13 members and three guests through the meeting.

Members Present: Anne-Marie Cannata, Jennifer Cimilluca, Margarita Giraldo, Charnaie Gordon, Helena Grey, Steven Grey, Jonathan Herron, Kay Jeyapalan, John Keppler, Emily O’Brien, Michael O’Brien, Ramesh Padavala, Murali Pemmaraju.
Guests Present: Kay Baker, Monica Lozano, Greg Kline (Middlesex Community College).

Business Meeting:

Our President, Kay, announced that Rob was the runner up in the Area C-33 Humorous Contest, and would compete in the Division contest on October 25th in Marlborough should the area contest winner be unable to (flyer attached for Division Contest). Arun participated in the Table Topics contest, and Jen was the contest’s Sgt. at Arms.
Leslie Hammond will be our guest speaker at the November 10th meeting, giving a talk on evaluations. Our second meeting in November will be on the 17th.

Greg Kline, Director of Institutional Advancement, Middlesex Community College, accepted a donation from the club as our thanks for the use of meeting space at the College during the school year. He spoke about the new College President, Anna Wasescha, the College’s new mission statement, and an upcoming event at the school, the MxCC Scholarship 5K & Kids Fun Run on October 29th (see flyer attached).

Our Vice President Education, Murali, presented Jonathan and Emily with ½ CC certificates in recognition of their having completed five speeches in the Competent Communicator manual.

Our Toastmaster, Emily, was aided by the Timer, Anne-Marie; the Ah-Counter, Michael O’Brien; the Grammarian, Ramesh; the Wordmaster, Helena (“plethora”); and the General Evaluator, Jen.

Anne-Marie was our Invocator, and Kay was the Humorist. Jen asked John, Margarita, Ramesh, Steven, and our guests Kay, Monica, and Greg to share their “Autumn Memories” during Table Topics.

Prepared speeches:
  • Charnaie presented “A Crappy Attitude” for the fourth project in the Humorously Speaking Manual, “Keep them Laughing”. Her speech was evaluated by Jonathan.
  • Jonathan gave speech #6 in the CC manual (Vocal Variety), “The Blind Side”. Charnaie evaluated his speech.
  • Helena presented speech #5 in the CC manual (Your Body Speaks). “True Upward Mobility” was evaluated by Anne-Marie.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Kay reminded the club about the Division Humorous and Table Topics contests on 10/25 in Marlborough. The winners of the Division Contests will compete at the District Contests on November 19th (during the District Conference in Southbury).
Our next meeting will be on October 27th, at Middlesex Community College.
Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Cimilluca