Monday, November 16, 2009

Meeting, Thursday, November 12, 2009 - Middlesex Community College, Room 808 D, Middletown, CT Middlesex Toastmasters Club #8340

Our next meeting on December 3rd will be at a special location in Middletown (details forthcoming, check website).

Greetings Fellow Toastmasters!

As usual we had a full house at our meeting last night. However, Toastmaster Jennifer Cimilluca led us through an evening that was anything but ordinary. Her theme of “Giving Thanks” resounded throughout the night as people gave testimony of the fellowship, growth and support of the club members. It was a room filled with aficionados (word of the day)!

In attendance: Tom Alvord, Ana Bowman, Ron Brunelle, Ann-Marie Cannata, Jen Cimilluca, Charnaie Gordon, Kay Jeyapalan, John Keppler, Jeff Lagasse, Cheryl Mason, Emily O’Brien, Mike O’Brien, Dianne Olsen, Murugan Pachaiyappan, Ramesh Padavala, Murali Pemmaraju, Pete Plotica, Kim Price, Rob Schaff, and Arun Sodani.

Guests/Visitors: Nadine McKeown (signed up as our newest member tonight!), Louis Nizet, and Dimple Padavala (Ramesh’s wife).

President Cheryl Mason began our meeting by giving Rob Schaff, our Area Governor, the Award of Excellence ribbon for completing another CC manual. Congratulations Rob! DCP – this latest award now puts the club at 7 points, Select Distinguished Club Status! This is something for all of us to be very proud of! Other news:
· Dianne Olsen received a Certificate of Appreciation for singing in the Variety Show held last month.
· The Spring Division Contest will be held in Bloomfield on May 22nd.
· Officer Training will be held on December 12th in Manchester. There will be a make-up training in January.

Vice President of Education, Charnaie Gordon had several announcements to make.
· She presented Kay and Ramesh a “Panice to Power” disc for being “first timers” at the Fall Conference in Saratoga Springs in NY, November 7th. Our club had six members in attendance, the most of any club there!
· Ron Brunelle received his “1/2 Certificate” for completing 5 of his speeches in the CC manual. Congratulations Ron!
· Mike, Cheryl, Arun and Charnaie will be going to Hartford to confiscate the “Traveling Gavel” that their club took from ours. If anyone else would like to attend the meeting at Stag in Hartford, it will be on Wednesday afternoon, December 2nd from noon to 1 pm.
· Our club Speech-A-Thon will be held January 7th, from 7-9 pm. Location to be determined.
· We will have a Club Speech Contest on March 11th. This will be for the International and Tall Tales Contest.
· Due to bad weather the hike tomorrow at Wadsworth Falls has been cancelled.

Toastmaster Jen changed the usual format of the evening. Mike O’Brien gave a speech on “How to Give a Toast” and then brilliantly went right into his role as TableTopics Master. Mike’s theme? How to give a toast! And there were some toasts! The most exciting one was when Ramesh stood up and made a toast to his “beautiful wife.” He then proudly told the audience they were expecting their first baby; a baby girl due on February 12th! Congratulations Ramesh and Dimple!

Dianne gave a thought provoking speech titled, “When Enough is Enough.” Her objective was to Persuade with Power over the controversial Die with Dignity Act.

From there the club enjoyed the rest of the meeting “at the movies.” Mike brought in a DVD of the winning speeches held at the 2009 International Convention, International Speech Contest. There was only time to watch five of the speeches and members had a chance to write their own evaluations, and then see how the judges at the conference actually placed the contestants. But the contests were not all that was enjoyed; snacks, of pop corn, potato chips, a fruit tray, cider, and more were brought in by some of the members to nibble on while everyone watched the “movie.” What fun!

Arun Sodani and Tom Alvord evaluated Mike and Dianne respectively. Cheryl was the General Evaluator. Our veteran members Arun, Tom and Cheryl were great role models for the club with their expertise in giving evaluations.

Word of the Day: Murugan Pachaiyappan
Ah Counter: Emily O’Brien
Grammarian: Charnaie Gordon
Timer: Jeffrey Lagasse

Sargeant at Arms: A special thanks to Pete Plotica who could not attend our meeting tonight. He still came here ahead of time to secure our room, bring the banner, set up all the equipment for the movie showing and leave some refreshments. Pete went above and beyond the line of duty! Also, a big thank you to Tom for filling in for Pete at the last minute and to Arun for being equipment manager!

The meeting adjourned on time.
Meeting, Thursday, November 5, 2009 - Russel Library, Middletown, CT Middlesex Toastmasters Club #8340

Here are some highlights from the Middlesex Club meeting this past Thursday, 11/5

It was an excellent meeting at the Russell Library, a different location, different start time, and lots of fun. It was great to see some members that haven't been able to attend in awhile. Thanks to everyone that helped to make the meeting such a success!

Attendance -- total of 18

Members: Tom A., Ana B., Ron B., Anne-Marie C., Jennifer C., Craig F., Charnaie G., Kay J., John K., Cheryl M., Pam M., Deborah N., Murugan P., Ramesh P., Murali P., Peter P., Arun S.
Guests: Ira Y. – who joined and is now our newest member!

Meeting Began: 6:30 p.m. promptly started by our SAA, Pete P. who lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance

Business Meeting

We welcomed new member, Murali, to our Middlesex Toastmasters Club by presenting him with a Toastmasters Pin.

Distinguished Club Program: 6 points earned to date, top in the District!

A special thank you and certificates were presented by Cheryl to Ron B. (and to give to his wife Eva) for their performances at the October 15th Variety Show at the Village at South Farms.

Officers Meeting Was Held Tue, Nov. 3rd
Agenda items: Accomplishments to date (1st third of the year), Special Events Planning, Marketing & PR, and Mentoring.
Also brainstormed ideas for improvements, which will be discussed at upcoming meetings.
Suggestions and ideas from all members are always welcome!
Upcoming Events:
Sat., Nov. 7 – District Conference, Saratoga Springs
Thu., Nov 12 7 p.m. Movie Night – Video of the top speakers from the Aug. International Speech Contest
Sat., Nov. 14, 1-3 p.m. Club Outing – Hike at Wadsworth State Park, Middletown, all are welcome

Toastmasters Magazines – any copies you no longer need, please bring them and give to Kay for use as Marketing / PR material


Our toastmaster for the evening was Craig Fresher, who enthusiastically volunteered to fill the role when Arun was delayed.

Invocation: Tom
Humorist: Murugan
Word Master – Murali – ameliorate (to make better, improve)
Ah Counter: Jennifer
Grammarian: Cheryl
Timer: Pete
General Evaluator: Kay

Speaker 1: Murugan (Ice Breaker, Along With an Inspirational Message)
Speaker 2: Deborah (Tweet Tweet, Information About Twitter))
Speaker 3: Ramesh (Topic – Powerful Meditation)
Speaker 4: Ron B. (About Alfred Nobel & The Nobel Prizes)

Table Topics: Ana, Presented Awards that the Table Topics speakers were able to accept or decline. Very creative topics and responses to go along with them!

Speech Evaluators: Charnaie, Pam, Craig, Jennifer
General Evaluator: Kay

Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Meeting, Thursday, October 22, 2009 - Middlesex Community College, Room 808 D, Middletown, CT Middlesex Toastmasters Club #8340

Here are some highlights from the Middlesex Club meeting this past Thursday, 10/22.
It was a great meeting, and thanks to everyone that helped to make it a success!

Attendance -- total of 17

Members: Tom A., Ana B., Jennifer C., Charnaie G., Kay J., John K., Cheryl M., Pam M., Emily O., Michael O., Murugan P., Ramesh P., Michael P., Pete P., Rob S.
Guests: Nadine (Ana's friend), Murali (Ramesh's friend) – and Murali is now our newest member!

We started the meeting with sparkling cider and a toast to celebrate the 85th Anniversary of Toastmasters!
Candy corn and costumes also helped to make the meeting festive.

A special thank you and certificates were presented by Cheryl to the performers of the Variety Show held on October 15 at the Village at South Farms: Tom, Charnaie, Ramesh, Kay, (missing – Dianne, Ron)


Our toastmaster for the evening was Tom Alvord, who led us through a very well planned meeting, with a dual theme: Halloween Ghosts and Goblins, and Toastmasters 85th Anniversary.

Invocation: Ramesh – inspirational quotes
Humorist: Ana – those friends that climbed 75 flights of stairs together were quite funny!
Word Master – Michael P. – disillusioned
Ah Counter: Kay
Grammarian: Pete
Timer: Murugan
General Evaluator: Michael O.

We had four prepared speeches:

Jennifer – CC Speech #5, Believing Without Seeing
Captivating story about some happenings that made her a "believer" !
Charnaie – Entertaining Speech, What I Wish I'd Have Known About The Future
Clever story about some things you just don't know when you're a kid!
Rob – The Leadership Excellence Series, Motivating People
Presented with Toastmasters handouts, and Rob's personal insight
Cheryl – CC Speech #9, Changing the Course
Stories and a message about when to get involved and help someone else

Table Topics were given by Pam, with a fun theme: ZOBMONDO! – Outrageous book of bizarre choices

Speech Evaluators: Kay, John, Pam & Michael O.

GE Comments: Michael O.,

· Great meeting quality – people put a lot of time and energy into the meetings, and it shows
· Favorable that everyone got to speak at the meeting, Table Topics Master (Pam) included others that didn't otherwise have speaking roles
· Suggest calling on guests to provide their comments and introduce themselves at the end of the meeting (rather than at the beginning, so they've had a chance to experience the meeting and get more comfortable)
· Suggest more consistency with applause for various technicians serving in the meeting roles
Business News:

Nov 3 Club Officer’s Meeting 6:30 - 8:00 pm, Location: Russell Library, 123 Broad Street, Middletown, CT (Only club officer’s need to attend this meeting, however, anyone can submit ideas for consideration)

Nov 5 Meeting 6:30 - 8:15 pm, Location: Russell Library, 123 Broad Street, Middletown, CT

Nov 7 Fall 2009 District 53 Conference, Holiday Inn - Saratoga Springs 232 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY (Note: If you have never been to a Toastmasters conference before, I urge you to go…it’s a wonderful experience. Please visit the website for more information and the registration form:

Nov 12 Meeting (Movie Night) 7:00 – 9:00pm, Location: Middlesex Community College, Chapman Hall Upper Level, Room #808D (Note: This will be a regular meeting but we will watch the DVD from the Toastmasters International Convention the last part of the meeting. This will be the last meeting we have during the month of November.)

November 14 Hike at Wadsworth State Park, 1:00 – 3:00pm. Note: Please see the attached flyer for details.
