Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Meeting Notes - July 12, 2012

This was the first meeting of the year, and was held at the MiddleOak building. Meetings during July and August will be held here, and not at Middlesex Community College.

The theme for this meeting was “New Beginnings.”

Past President Kay Jeyapalan was the Toastmaster for the evening.

There were sixteen members present, including new member Will Harovas, who also gave his IceBreaker speech.

Members Present: Patricia Alston, Jay Broderick, Jennifer Cimillica, Sonia Dean, Siva Digavali, Helena Grey, Will Harovas, Kay Jeyapalan, John Keppler, Monica Lozano, Daniel Moran, Michael O’Brien, Ramesh Padavala, Murali Pemmaraju, Robert Schaff, and Judy Thompson.


President Jonathan Herron, and Past Club President Kay Jeyapalan installed new officers Jennifer Cimilluca (Vice President-Education) and Jay Broderick (Treasurer). Helena Grey was recognized with an Enthusiam award. Kay was presented with a plaque in appreciation of her service. The plaque was presented by the past officers.

Jennifer Cimilluca was the Table Topics Master.

Prepared speeches:

There were four prepared speeches this evening, three of the four were iceBreaker speeches:

IceBreaker-Pat Alston-“Living the Dream”

IceBreaker-Will Harovas-“Three Interesting Things”

IceBreaker-Monica Lozano, ”Making Friends with Fear”

CC #8 Get Comfortable with Visual Aids-Siva Digavali, “Best Friends Forever”

Roger Arnold will be the guest speaker at the 8/9 meeting. The Humorist Contest will be held on September 27th.

The next meeting will be held on July 26, at the MiddleOak building.

Respectfully submitted,

Pat Alston