Sunday, October 13, 2013

Middlesex Community College, Middletown, CT

Presiding Officer
, Jennifer C began the meeting with club business.  Judy Thompson was called to the front of the room and Jen presented her with a gift to mark her CC certificate achievement.  The area contest participants, Maria and Murali were recognized.  The division contest is next Weds at Berlin, then the district contest on Nov 16.  We will have a joined club meeting at the Portland Library on Nov 7.  Our three guests introduced themselves and told us how they heard about the club.  Area Governor Nathan Jaycox was also introduced.

Meeting attendees (13):  John Bell, Jay Broderick, Jennifer Cimilluca, Maria Johnson, John Keppler, Michael O’Brien, Ramesh Padavala, Murali Pemmaraju, Judy Thompson.  There were three guests, Michael, Robin, and Darlena.  Area governor Nathan Jaycox attended

Invocator- Jennifer C
Toastmaster- Jay B
Word of the Day- Judy T (permeate)
Humorist-John B (What do you feed your babies)
General Evaluator- Michael O
Timer-John B
Ah-Counter- Nathan J
Grammarian- Judy T
Table Topics- Jennifer C, Jen gave us a handful of ideas with suggested tag lines to get our thoughts flowing.  Everyone was invited to pick their own poison.  There was a tie for best TT between our guest Michael H and John K.

Ramesh Padavala         Storytelling Manual speech #4, “The Touching Story”, Title:  Cricket, the Game
Ramesh told us about his love for the game of Cricket.  The game came to him later in life because of his friendship with Murali P.  Back injuries put him on the sidelines.  Against the advice of family and friends Ramesh continues playing.  Love vs Love.  Murali evaluated Ramesh’s speech.

Maria Johnson              Preparation for Division Contest, Title:  “Diamond in the Fluff” 
Maria told us a wonderfully humorous story about a missing diamond from a ring her mother gifted to Maria when she achieved her half century mark.  We went from Maria’s backyard, to Middletown, enjoyed an introduction to Maria’s husband, and finally the “discovery” was revealed.  The club did a round robin evaluation of Maria’s speech.

Preparation for Division Contest, Title:  “Tourist Talk” 
Jen took us on vacation to many locations with her words and explained what happens when some tourist get frazzled while traveling.  Turns out there is a reason for their confusion, they are just asking the wrong questions.   Jen translated the question behind their question.  The club did a round robin evaluation of Jen’s speech.

Our guests shared their thoughts on the meeting, Nathan gave the club feedback and encouragement, then Jen ended the meeting with words of inspiration.

Next meeting is at Middlesex on 10/24
The meeting started on time and ended on time

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