Friday, March 30, 2012

Meeting Notes - March 29, 2012

The Middlesex County Toastmasters met on Thursday, March 29, at Middlesex Community College, for their spring speechathon. Eleven members and one guest were on hand to hear six speeches, including two amazing Ice-Breakers and two contest speeches.


Jennifer Cimilluca, Siva Digavalli, Helen Evrard and her friend Kimberly, Charnaie Gordon, Jonathan Herron, Kay Jeyapalan, Jacqueline Kirwan, Ramesh Padavala, Murali Pemmaraju, Rob Schaff, and Kirti Sodani.

Jonathan Herron was our Toastmaster, and provided the word of the day, "persevere". Jennifer was the General Evaluator, and was supported by Murali (Ah-counter), Siva (Grammarian), and Ramesh (Timer).

Prepared speeches:

• Kirti Sodani gave her Ice-Breaker speech, and appeared poised and confident in her first prepared speech at the club. Her speech was evaluated by Ramesh.

• Jacqueline Kirwan gave her final speech from the Interpretive Reading advanced manual, an Oratorical Speech entitled, "A Whisper of Aids." Her speech was evaluated by Rob.

• Jennifer Cimilluca presented her Tall-Tale for the upcoming club speech contest at her second-favorite Toastmasters club. The attendees provided a round-robin evaluation. Good luck at your contest!

• Charnaie Gordon gave a speech on her High Performance Leadership project. The speech provided an overview of her project, organizing a Toastmasters training event, and gave us insight into the HPL program. The speech was evaluated by Kay.

• Helen Evrard gave the second outstanding Ice-Breaker of the day, a moving account with the title, "Starting Act III." Her speech was evaluated by Charnaie.

• Murali Pemmaraju practiced his Tall-Tale contest speech, "My Adventures with Harry," in preparation for the Area Contest on Tuesday, April 3. The attendees provided a round-robin evaluation. Good luck, Murali! We know you will do a great job representing Middlesex County Toastmasters.

Our next club meeting on April 12 will feature a great guest speaker, Nana Danso. See you there!

Respectfully submitted,

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