The Middlesex County Toastmasters concluded the 2010-11 Toastmasters year with a speech-a-thon at its June 30th meeting.
Members Present: John Bell, Jennifer Cimilluca, Charnaie Gordon, Jonathan Herron, Kay Jeyapalan, John Keppler, Jacqueline Kirwan, Michael Nicastre, Emily O’Brien, Michael O’Brien, Ramesh Padavala, Murali Pemmaraju, Rob Schaff, Arun Sodani, Judy Thompson.
The Sergeant-at-Arms, Ramesh, opened the meeting. Our President, Charnaie, led us right into the club officer inductions for the 2011-12 year. Our new officers for the upcoming year are:
President – Kay Jeyapalan
VP Education – Murali Pemmaraju
VP Membership – Ramesh Padavala
VP Public Relations – Jennifer Cimilluca
Secretary – Rob Schaff
Treasurer – John Keppler
Sergeant at Arms – Jonathan Herron
Our Toastmaster for the evening was Rob, who guided us through the agenda with eight speakers and evaluations:
Kay presented the second speech from the Speeches by Management Manual. Her speech, “Loss Reserves”, was evaluated by Michael O’Brien.
Jacqueline presented speech #9 from the Competent Communicator manual (Objective: Persuade with Power). “Take the IQ Test” was evaluated by Arun.
Ramesh presented speech #7 from the CC (Objective: Research Your Topic). “The Oracle of Omaha was evaluated by Michael Nicastre.
Jen gave her third speech from the Interpretive Reading manual, which was a monodrama. Murali evaluated her speech, entitled “Rachel’s Story.”
Judy gave her Icebreaker, “…And then I Bought a House”, which was evaluated by Charnaie.
Emily’s return to the club was marked by her third speech from the CC manual (Objective: Get to the Point). “Enjoy the Class” was evaluated by Rob.
Jonathan presented speech #4 from the CC Manual (Objective: How to Say it). Jen evaluated his speech, “I Can Afford to Wait”.
Our last speaker of the evening was Michael O’Brien, presenting speech #8 from the CC (Objective: Getting Comfortable with Visual Aids”. His speech, “What are Our Values?” was evaluated by Kay.

Our General Evaluator was run, assisted by the Timer (John Keppler), Grammarian (Charnaie), and Ah Counter (Emily).
Before the meeting was adjourned, Kay recognized two members. She gave John Bell his new member pin, and Judy was given Icebreaker candies in honor of her Icebreaker speech. Kay again thanked Jacqueline and all the members who brought refreshments and made the June 23rd Anniversary celebration such a success.
Kay announced that the District 53 Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) training will be held on July 16th in Poughkeepsie, NY, for anyone wishing to attend. There is one additional session on July 23rd, location TBA.
Murali, in his last act as VP Membership, informed us that the Middlesex Toastmasters have “Beat the Clock” by having five new members join the club between May 1st and June 30th. We will receive a ribbon to display on our club banner.
The next club meeting will be held on Thursday, July 14th, at Luther Ridge, 628 Congdon Street, Middletown.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Cimilluca
Middlesex County Toastmasters Club
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