Friday, December 10, 2010

Mid-year Report from the President

Hello Everyone!

We have officially completed the first 6 months of the 2010-2011 Toastmasters year and what a year it's been so far! Staying true to our theme this year, our club has really "branched out" since July 1, 2010.

We started the year with a bang in July:
• Cheryl Mason received her DTM award and another CL (Competent Leader) award
• We added 5 new members to our club! (Michael Nicastre (referred by Sally Nicastre), Anthony Elder, Christina Johnson, Gary Torello and Erik Jarboe (returning member)
• All 7 of our club officers were trained!

In August we had one new member: Jacqueline Kirwan.

In September we added two more new members: Murugan Pachaiyappan (returning member) and Yolanda Lowe. Also, Jennifer Cimilluca earned her CC award (Competent Communicator).

In November we added yet another new member: Brian Burness (referred by Anne-Marie Cannata)

Up until last night our club had 5 out of 10 DCP (Distinguised Club Program) points completed. However, last night we received two additional points bringing us to a total of 7 DCP POINTS! Rob Schaff earned his ACS award last night (Advanced Communicator Silver) and Cheryl Mason earned another CC award (Competent Communicator) - excellent job Rob and Cheryl!

It is so great to see the growth that has taken place within our club over the past few months. I couldn't be more proud!

We also had some great events that took place:
• District 53 Hiking Club started - Tom Alvord is the coordinator
• Guest Speaker Jerry Theodorou - "Use Your Voice" (September)
• Guest Speaker Isaak Gelbinovich - "Storytelling Secrets of the Masters" (November)
• Movie Night - "Magic Moments" DVD (Thanks Michael O'Brien!) (December)
• Rob Schaff made it all the way to the District 53 Humorous Contest!
• Rob Schaff, Michael Nicastre and Anthony Elder won 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in our club Humorous Contest
• Rob Schaff, Michael O'Brien, and Anne-Marie Cannata won 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in our club Evaluation Contest

As we embark on the next 6 months of the Toastmasters year, let us continue to grow and learn as communicators and leaders. If you're an active member and haven't attended a meeting in a while we'd love to see you soon!

We have some exciting events lined up for the next half of the year including:
• January 13th - First meeting of the new year!
• January 20th - Joint speech-a-thon with our sister club - Cromwell Community Toastmasters (Please contact Kay if you'd like to volunteer or bring refreshments)
• March 10th - International and Tall Tales Speech Contest
• March 24th - Spring Open House w/ keynote speaker Ruby Parker
• April 28th - Guest Speaker - "How to Write a Speech in 15 Minutes" w/ Walter Beveridge
• June 23rd - Last meeting of the 2010 - 2011 Toastmasters year! Keynote Speaker: Nana Danso

We will not meet again until January 13, 2011 (that's a 5-week stretch!). I hope you all enjoy the remainder of the year.

Thank you all for your efforts. Here's to having another successful 6 months in 2011!



  1. 5 weeks off - a great chance to write some speeches!

  2. Looks great! Nice report, what a great first half year at Middlesex!

  3. Rob - I agree with you about writing speeches. That's on my list of things to do during the break. See you in January!
