Tuesday, July 31, 2007

July 26 Meeting

Hello Fellow Toastmasters,

NOTE: Our next two meetings in August will be held at the Russell Library, 123 Broad St., Middletown. http://www.russelllibrary.org/

Another great meeting this past Thursday!

A Quote to Share from the Meeting:

"What a wonderful place to be on a Thursday night! We're learning to communicate better and becoming better leaders." (Tom Alvord)

Club Attendance:

1) Tom Alvord: Toastmaster
2) Elliot Essman: Evaluator for Speech # 1
3) Nancy Green: Table Topics Master
4) John Keppler: Timer, General Evaluator
5) Chris Lewis: Ah Counter, Grammarian
6) Eliot Lofman: Wordmaster, Humorist
7) Cheryl Mason
8) Kim Price
9) Rob Schaff: Invocation, Speaker

10) Amy Alvord: Tom's daughter, visiting here from Germany!

We were delighted to have Amy Alvord join us for the evening! She is interested in the Toastmasters organization and learning more about it.

Sergeant at Arms

Filling in for vacationing Arun was Elliott E. Have you ever noticed the details on a $1 bill? Do you have any idea what the Latin phrases mean? Maybe next time we'll be able to answer some of Elliot's interesting trivia questions!


Rob shared interesting excerpts from "Language of the Night," a collection of essays by Ursula K. LeGuin. It had to do with the power of stories and the impact that they have on emotional and spiritual depths . . . "For the story – from Rumpelstiltskin to War and Peace – is one of the basic tools invented by the mind of man, for the purpose of gaining understanding. There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories."

Club News

Tom introduced our Area C5 Governor, Nancy, who provided some exciting information about the upcoming speech contests.

Thursday, Sept. 13 will be the Club Contest at our regular meeting time.
The meeting will be held at the Hubbard Room in the Russell Library, 123 Broad St., Middletown

Thursday, October 4 will be the Area Contest, at the same location.

Mark those dates! If you haven't already, please consider competing in the contests or volunteering to help with them. It really is a fun and rewarding experience!

Club Speech Coach: Elliot E. has offered to be our club speech coach. He is willing to answer any questions about our meetings, roles and responsibilities, how to challenge yourself further, etc. He has 22 years of experience with Toastmasters and has professional speech coaching experience as well. Whether it's help or feedback with speeches, or simply some mentoring with taking on a new role such as Toastmaster of a meeting, Elliot is here for all of us regardless of our experience level!


Tom was our Toastmaster for the evening, bridging these next portions of the meeting:

WordMaster / Humorist

Eliot L provided this interesting word for us:

Accourt – to entertain, amuse, put on a show

Also, he provided some light humor for the group "A Night at the Improv," sharing a story relating to Murphy's Law, and an inevitable, what-can-go-wrong-will-go-wrong experience of his!

Table Topics

Nancy led the Table Topics for the evening, where each of us had to answer job interview questions that showcased our behavioral styles and unique talents. This was lots of fun, and there were several of us who definitely will not be getting hired! Some of the interviewees didn't want to work at all, were only interested in keeping the office staff entertained, offered to bake to woo customers, or had no interest in the job being offered! Boy, Nancy, hope you don't have to deal with too many interviews like that at work!

There was feedback later on that this would be a good Table Topics theme to repeat again as it's great practice for real life skills!


Rob Schaff completed his 6th speech from the CC manual, Vocal Variety. Rob told an Ashanti folk tale about Anansi the Spider. What an interesting, engaging speech this was!

In lieu of any other scheduled speeches, Tom asked for input from our attendees about some of the benefits they have realized with being a member of Toastmasters.

Here are some of the many benefits that Toastmasters has provided to our members over the years:

· comfort in front of a group
· speaking more deliberately
· met wonderful people
· networking with others
· increased confidence level
· cheerful, enthusiastic people
· taught me how to listen
· it's becomes less about yourself and more about the others around you
· you learn more and more from the experiences of others


Evaluation for Rob was given by Elliot E., and included insightful comments about how the story was a difficult one to tell, but was an excellent topic selection that facilitated vocal variety.

Grammarian – Chris provided useful feedback that we should be more aware of (and try to avoid) use of run-on sentences . . . where we continue with filler words in between ( e.g. . . . . so . . . ., . . . . but . . . .., etc.)

General Evaluator – John Keppler noted that we were pleased to have Amy as our guest, the meeting started on time, and Table Topics was very interesting!

Word Master – Eliot reported 7 uses of the word-of-the-day, "accourt," by Tom, Elliot E., and Cheryl

Closing - Meeting was adjourned by Tom at approx. 8:30 p.m.

See you next time!


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