Middlesex Community College, Middletown, CT
Presiding Officer, Jennifer C began the meeting with club business. Michael O’Brien was called to the front of the room and Jen presented him with a “long timer” seasoned 8 year Middlesex TM anniversary gift. The “Moments of Truth” survey will focus the club on three main goals. Increased Interclub Activities, Mentor Program, and Improving the Atmosphere of the Club. The club continues voting for the best Table Topics speech. There are speaking opportunities at the Valley Shore TM club on 9/23 if anyone is interested in practicing on a new audience. Jen reviewed our DCP status, encouraging everyone to pay their dues before Oct 1. Bring to the next meeting if possible. The VP of Public Relations officer position is still open for anyone who is interested. Ramesh reminded us about the Fall Speech Contest which will be at Middlesex Community College on 9/26.
Meeting attendees (12): John Bell, Jennifer Cimilluca, Sonia Dean, Charnaie Gordon, Maria Johnson, Daniel Moran, Michael O’Brien, Ramesh Padavala, Murali Pemmaraju, Arun Sodani, Judy Thompson. There was one guest, Sheila Bell
Invocator- Jennifer C
Toastmaster- Jennifer C
Word of the Day- XX
Humorist-John B
General Evaluator- Murali P
Timer-Maria J
Ah-Counter- Daniel M
Grammarian- Maria J
Table Topics- Daniel M, Dan’s theme for TT revolved around football, tis the season! Dan shared personalities that had a football past and present and then asked us great questions that related to the personalities stories. Maria won best TT for the evening.
John Bell CC Manual speech #8, “Getting comfortable with Visual Aids”, Title: Chair Message
John used his “visual aid,” a massage chair to explain how to give a message and then highlighted the many health benefits therapeutic message provides. His wife Sheila was the lucky “client”. Charnaie evaluated Dan’s speech.
Ramesh Padavala Storytelling speech #5, “Bringing History to Life”, Title: Mahatma Gandhi
Ramesh gave us a unique snapshot of history revealing the powerful impact Mahatma Gandhi had on India’s people and the country’s journey to independence. Jennifer evaluated Ramesh’s speech.
Judy Thompson CC Manual Speech #10, “Inspire Your Audience”, Title: The French Chef
Judy talked about the inspiration of food. Passion, memories, and tradition. How can we all make the most of the power of food in our own lives and more importantly in the lives of others. Sonia evaluated Judy’s speech.
Michael O’Brien CC Manual Speech #6, “Vocal Variety”, A Mother’s Advice
Michael reminded us, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. Be more positive and encouraging with each other. The impacts for the giver and receiver of that kindness are remarkable. Arun evaluated Michael’s speech.
Jen ended the meeting with words of inspiration from Robert Fulghum
The meeting started on time and ended on time