Members Present: Tom Alvord, Patricia Alston, Jay Broderick, Sonia Dean, Ryan Dolan, Jonathan Herron, Kay Jeyapalan, John Keppler, Cheryl Mason, Daniel Moran, Michael Nicastre, Sally Nicastre, Michael O'Brien, Ramesh Padavala, Murali Pemmaraju, Kim Price, Rob Schaff, and Judy Thompson
Guests Present: Richard Peck, Ute Brinkmann, Marsha Kiley, and Caroline Herron
Club President Kay Jeyapalan used her last meeting as club president to recognize this year's team of officers and other outstanding members. It was a great club year, with many outstanding guest speakers and our 7th consecutive Presidents Distinguished Award. Thanks again to Kay for all of her efforts on behalf of our club.
Cheryl Mason was our Toastmaster for the evening. Jay Broderick was the Humorist. Ramesh Padavala was the General Evaluator, and was supported by Sally Nicastre (Ah-counter), Judy Thompson (Grammarian), and Jonathan Herron (Timer). Patricia Alston provided the Word of the Day ("lethologica", the condition of temporarily forgetting a word), and the word was used a surprising number of times throughout the evening.
Tom Alvord was the Table-Topics Master, and his theme was Toastmasters leanings and experiences.
Prepared speeches: All three of our prepared speeches centered on the theme of Leadership.
- Rob Schaff gave a speech from the CC manual entitled "Sharing the Vision," relating the power of inspiring a share vision when leading a team. His speech was evaluated by Michael O'Brien.
- Ute Brinkmann's speech was entitled "Leadership Lessons I learned From My Double Base." Ute used her instrument to organize and punctuate her speech about fundamental leadership lessons. Her speech was evaluated by John Keppler.
- Former District Governor Marsha Kiley gave a speech on her leadership journey through Toastmasters. Her title was "The Ripple Effect." Her speech was evaluated by Kim Price.
Outgoing District Governor Richard Peck addressed the club at the end of the meeting, and congratulated Middlesex County Toastmasters on their continued success and sustained energy. He even confided that we were his wife's favorite club!
This meeting was the last club meeting for members Mike and Sally Nicastre, who are departing for an extended trip to Europe. Bon voyage, Mike and Sally!
Our next meeting will be Thursday, July 12, at the MiddleOak building in downtown Middletown. Please sign up for a meeting role. See you there.