I copied this picture from Dave Wheeler's District 53 blog, http://areaa4.blogspot.com/
We had 12 attendees at our meeting this past Thursday. The meeting was very well organized, and our environment was warm and friendly -- that's exactly what our guests told us! We were happy to have FOUR guests at our meeting. Thanks to all that helped make the meeting such a success.
Dues: Please submit $33 no later than March 15 to John KepplerPayment can be via cash or check made out to "Middlesex County Toastmasters"
$27.00 goes to International for dues April 1 through September 30th. The other $6.00 is used for club activities. You may forward $66.00 and that will pay for the period April 1, 2008, through March 31, 2009.For further information, contact John via e-mail: John.Keppler@milfordhospital.org or phone: (860) 841-9323 Mail payment to: John Keppler, 194 Avery Avenue, Meriden, CT 06460
Club Attendance:
1) Tom Alvord - Toastmaster
2) Nancy Green - Table Topics Master
3) Chris Lewis - Speaker #3, Timer
4) Cheryl Mason - Speaker #1, Word Master
5) Kim Price - Ah Counter, Evaluator #2
6) Rob Schaff - Speaker #2, Sergeant at Arms
7) Fred Swiderski - Humorist
8) Srinivas Voleti - Evaluator #1, General Evaluator
9) Bob Brisky - Grammarian, Bob is a returning visitor
10) Mark - Mark works with Bob
11) Shelby Smith - Shelby is from Wallingford, she relocated from Kentucky
12) Erik Jarboe - Erik is from Haddam
March 13 – Tall Tales & International Speech Club Contest (MCC regular meeting location)
Volunteers are needed to bring snacks – please let Rob know what you are able to bring.
March 27 - Area Contest at Holy Apostles, Cromwell, doors open at 6:45 p.m.
May 17, 2008 - District 53 Spring Conference
Pioneering Leadership Spirit – Explore New Possibilities
The Delaney House, 3 Country Club Rd. Holyoke, MA 01040, Phone: (413) 532-1800
Tom reminded us that it's everyone's responsibility to keep our club healthy, and to ensure we continue to have plenty of members. Visualize 20! We need a minimum of 20 members in the club – and need to anticipate members that might not renew, so we all need to do what we can to help increase membership!
Fred Swiderski, our Area C5 Governor, updated us on the upcoming contests and conferences. He also conducted a club progress meeting, which is required twice a year.
Humorist: Fred shared a couple of jokes that had us all laughing (or groaning!)
Word of the Day: Vice versa
Definition: in reverse order, the other way around (ex. dogs often chase cats, but not usually vice versa). Cheryl mentioned that she has seen these words misspelled.
Table Topics
Nancy challenged us with a very creative theme for Table Topics. We practiced introductions by providing background information as we introduced our table topic, each was selected from the bottom of a large shopping bag.
Kim did a fine job introducing Madam Flashlight, Chris gave a warm welcome to Mr. Static Guard, Tom had some friendly comments about Mr. Plastic Bottle, Fred talked up a "storm" about Mr. (squishy blue) Sponge, Bob introduced "Mr. Book," Sreeni had the "honor" of introducing President Bulb, Cheryl introduced a young Miss Nature Made, and Rob was happy to welcome Mr. Paper Clip, who we don't get to hear speak very often!
# 1 – Cheryl completed speech # 8 from the CC manual, Get Comfortable with Visual Aids, title "Toastmasters and the Family Tree." She shared information she learned about the organizational hierarchy within Toastmasters. She provided a handout she put together regarding the TM organization and some interesting trivia that she learned from researching the websites as well as information she received from Karin Von Känel, ACB,ALS, Lt. Governor Education & Training.
# 2 – Rob completed speech # 2 from The Entertaining Speaker manual, Resources for Entertainment; title "Cold Storage." This was an interesting speech that touched on the War in Iraq along with themes about patterns and correlations. We also heard the anecdotal story about Uncle Toby and the story about Awakenings.
# 3 – Chris conducted the presentation, "How to Conduct Productive Meetings," from the Success Leadership program. Chris shared some of her own experiences and kept the material interesting, involving members from the audience as she spoke. This was a formal presentation that had a lot of useful information that we all could relate to!
Evaluation portion of the meeting included round robin feedback from the audience for Chris, feedback from each speech evaluator, the timer's report, ah counter report, grammarian report, and the overall general evaluation. Thanks to all our evaluators for all the valuable input!
Tom presented Rob with his CC certificate, for completion of 10 speeches in the CC manual. Way to go, Rob!
We had some great feedback from Fred, Area C5 Governor, regarding our meeting and our club.
Closing - Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.