Monday, October 29, 2007

Meeting 10/25/2007

Hello Fellow Toastmasters, it was another great meeting this past Thursday!

Club Attendance:

Name, Meeting Roles, Comments
1) Tom Alvord: Evaluator # 3, Ah Counter
2) Eliot Lofman
3) Cheryl Mason: Speaker # 1
4) Kim Price: Speaker # 3, Evaluator # 1
5) Rose Rita Riccitelli: Speaker # 2, Word of the Day
6) Rob Schaff: Toastmaster, Invocation
7) Arun Sodani: Evaluator # 2, Sergeant at Arms, General Evaluator
8) Fred Swiderski: Humorist, Table Topics Master
9) Srinivas Voleti


Name, Meeting Roles, Comments
10) Erica Mason: Timer
11) Ramesh Pravala
12) Jeff Lagasse
13) Mike Wagner: Speaker # 4, Practicing for District Humorous Speech
14) Lorraine

We were delighted to have a number of guests with us for the evening!

Rob was our (very well prepared) Toastmaster for the evening.

Tom showed off our President’s Distinguished Award ribbon and Rob helped describe the achievements of our club in order to earn this coveted award! Congratulations to everyone in the club, this is something to be very proud of!

Rob gave an invocation with an Autumn theme.

Rose Rita provided our word of the day: EPITOME
Epitome is a noun, a brief presentation, or a typical, ideal example of something.

Fred provided our humor for the evening and had us all laughing about sharks and alligators!

Table Topics: Fred led the Table Topics for the evening, with a Fall theme. This was a lot of fun!

We learned about Tom’s favorite Fall ritual at the beach, Jeff’s favorite Halloween costume, Erica’s most liked jack-o-lantern, Arun’s favorite Halloween treats to hand out, Eliot’s special hiding place for candy (as well as his howling skills!), Rob’s favorite fall color (hint has to do with the Steelers!), what Lorraine is serving for Halloween, Ramesh’s favorite fall memory, and Sreeni’s Halloween decorating strategies.


Cheryl completed her 5th speech from the CC manual, Your Body Speaks. The topic of this speech was Dancemasters, a dance themed program like Toastmasters!

Rose Rita completed her 2nd speech from the CC manual, Organize Your Speech. This was a chance for Rose Rita to practice a speech she will be giving to employees at Yale University. The message was about OPPORTUNITY and we learned a lot about Rose Rita’s experiences at Yale!

Kim completed an advanced speech from the Speaking to Inform Manual, “Why Don’t Chipmunks Make Good Pets.” Kim’s speech provided us with some inspiring thoughts about embracing change, changing the way you think, all while he told an engaging story!

Mike Wagner is competing at the district conference and visited our club in order to practice his speech. This was a real treat for us to hear! Great job, Mike! Really enjoyed his theme “Notes to You” as well as the stories he weaved throughout the speech.

General Evaluator – Arun Sodani

Speech Evaluations

Evaluator # 1 – Kim Price
Evaluator # 2 – Arun Sodani
Evaluator # 3 – Tom Alvord
Evaluator # 4 – Open forum, provided feedback to Mike on his speech


Ah Counter – Tom
Timer – Erica
Word Master – Rose Rita

Closing - Meeting was adjourned by Tom at approx. 8:50 p.m.

See you next time!


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Sep. 27 Meeting

From Tom Alvord:

Hi! I'm so excited about our meeting last Thursday Night! We had 6 guests! - a record since I've been member! It made for a great meeting - lots of activity and good feedback from the guests! John Keppler was the masterful ToastMaster and Rob Schaff performed the role of GE like a pro. Screeni's speech was excellent preparation for Thursday's Area Contest. Evaluators said it was an improvement over Club Contest presentation which is exactly what we like to see.Good luck Sreeni.

And best wishes to John in the Tabletopics Contest! Since John didn't get to present his Tabletopic speech Thursday (duh!) he didn't get the royal treatment that Sreeni did - but John - we're still rooting for you! [Just in - John cannot make the contest so Arun will represent our club in the Table Topics Contest] Best wishes Arun!

Arun was an excellent Tabletopics Master - especially since he didn't know it was his job till about 5 minutes before the meeting. My understanding is that he made up the questions as we went along. It was great interesting, educational fun Arun!

Congratulations Eliot Lofman on your 2nd - another excellent speech! Isn't it great when a fairly new member gets up in front and demonstrates natural talent! How many of us wish we had a voice that projects as well as Eliot's? Rob also gave another excellent speech! How easy it is to listen to Rob! The words just seem to flow!

One of the guests - Anne Marie submited her paid application and another - Mesha had already joined on Contest night so I'm really excited that we're generating some new members! Apparently we've all been visualizing a 25 member club because we've not really done anything special to attract these new members that I know of. Now that Contest season will soon be over we'll be able to focus on membership. We have half baked plans in the hopper and we'll roll them out soon. But six guests was such great news - it gives us some momentum toward the all-important goal of having 20 members come June 30!

We're looking forward to a great contest Thursday. Remember - we want to get an early start so we've got the Library at 5:00 and we'll start the contest at 6:00.Hats off to Fred for taking over the chairmanship or the Contest. Chris Lewis just Monday night volunteered to be ContestMaster so if everyone else will show up to be judges and counters we will be in great shape!

See you tomorrow!
